2016 US Capitol Classics/ China Open2016 China Open

On Saturday, August 13th, 2016, USWA brought 14 students to the 34th Annual U.S. Capitol Classics/China Open hosted by the

Dennis Brown Shaolin Wu-Shu Training Center. 

All of our students competed very well, and we are proud to announce that the total USWA competiton medal count included 16 gold medals, 10 silver medals, and 5 bronze medals.

Most notably, Tarell Bullock competed in the adult division and won first place in the final championships with his changquan form. 

 USWA is very proud of all of our competitors and we hope to bring more competitors to next year's China Open.

 Congratulations to all those who competed last weekend:

Tarell Bullock Carey Hsu
Elliot Hsu Zachare Karp
Kenneth Liu Ethan Mao
Andrew Premaratne Deepica Premaratne
Benjamin Tran Brayden Tran
Alvin Wang Irene Wang
Frank Zhang Selena Zhang

 Total Competition Medal Counts: